California’s Quiet Wildfire Season; Snowfall Records Fall Across US; Monthly Low Temp Benchmarks Tumble Down Under As Rare Spring Flakes Hit Tasmania; Villages Cut Off As Heavy Snow Hits Kashmir; + Europe’s Food Prices Soar
California’s Quiet Wildfire Season
California is enjoying its quietest wildfires in years, attributable, in part, to summer rain and cooler weather — natural cycles.
Fires have swept through 363,000 acres across the Golden State, which is a fraction of recent years.
The AGW Party are still peddling the fear, though: Max Molritz, a wildfire specialist with University of California Cooperative Extension, warns that if the state doesn’t see much precipitation over the next few months, it will continue to be at risk.
“The plants themselves are still under pretty extreme water stress, and they’re still potentially quite flammable, even if it’s cold,” said Moritz, which I’m sure is a frustrating message for the AGW Party to promote — wildfires aren’t linked to temperature.
This year, summer rains prevented many fires from taking hold, including ‘the Mosquito Fire’ which ignited early-September in Placer and El Dorado countries. Fear-driven climate models had predicted the fire would burn all the way to North Lake Tahoe, but then rains came to Northern California and doused the fire and drenched the surrounding vegetation.
“It could have been a pretty terrible fire season except that we had rain in mid-September,” said a straw-clutching Michael Wara, director of the climate and energy policy program at Stanford University. That late-summer storm decreased the wildfire risk for several weeks, and was then chased by yet more precipitation in October. and now November.
Snowfall Records Fall Across US
Broken snowfall records are mounting as a powerful Arctic Outbreak descends on the Lower 48.
Lebanon, Indiana –for example– recently received a daily snow total of 2.7 inches, its highest for the date since 1991.
A myriad of snow resorts are opening earlier than schedule, too, following historic early-season dumpings. Big Sky Resort in Montana is one such area, probably the most recent, though there are many, many others — California’s Mammoth Mountain is already enjoying one of its snowiest Novembers in decades, and we’re barely halfway through the month,
While in Wichita, Kansas, the 0.4 inches that settled Monday may not sound like a lot, but it was enough to bust a 135-year-old snowfall record, surpassing the 0.3 inches set on Nov 14, 1929 in weather books dating all the way back to 1888.
Record cold accompanied the record Wichita snow — a frigid 9F was logged on Tues, Nov 15, usurping the 10F set in 1955.
“We are starting to get into winter,” NWS meteorologist Eric Metzger helpfully pointed out, “usually we don’t get this cold this early, usually you have to wait to December,” he added, also pointing out that the cold and snow is forecast to hang around through the weekend, at least.
As discussed in previous articles, the vast majority of the CONUS is in the midst of a full-blown taste of winter:
Monthly Low Temp Benchmarks Tumble Down Under As Rare Spring Flakes Clip Tasmania
Following what was a colder-than-average winter –record-breaking cold for the likes of Brisbane– spring is continuing that cooling trend. Even with summer around the corner, blasts of polar cold are still hitting the Australian continent.
A string of monthly low temperature records have been broken this week, slain in some cases. The out-of-season freeze has really been quite something, felling ‘November lowest maximum temperatures’ in the likes Liawenee, Portland, Grove, Tunnack, Breakwater and Strathalbyn, to name just six.
Also noteworthy, of those six, three broke records set earlier this month, serving as further evidence that Australia’s chills are persistent, not a one-off freeze events that the AGW Party can pass off as ‘a freak weather event’.
The accompanying mid-November snow has also been noteworthy.
Snow settled at Vinces Saddle on the Huon Highway, Tasmania on Tuesday — about 200 meters (650 feet) lower than the warm-mongering BoM had initially forecast. Parts of kunanyi/Mt Wellington also experienced substantial spring snowfall.
Bureau of Meteorology duty forecaster Michael Conway said more snow is possible in elevated parts, including the south and south-east, lower east coast, southern midlands and central plateau.
According to the BoM, another record-challenging cold front is expected next week.
The GFS is in agreement:

Villages Cut Off As Heavy Snow Hits Kashmir
Major highways are closed and many towns and villages have been cut-off due to heavy overnight snowfall in Jammu and Kashmir, India. Authorities have also closed schools due to the early hit of winter.
The infamous Mughal Road, an alternative link between the Jammu region and Kashmir’s Shopian district, was closed due to heavy snow at Pir Ki Gali and the surrounding area. The Bandipora-Gurez road was also shut.
Early season snowfall has been reported in many locales, including Handwara, Kralpora, Pazipora and Tangdhar, Kupwara, Tangmarg, and Khansahib–often times far earlier than normal, according to local officials.
The recent storm delivered 6 inches of snow to Gulmarg, more than a foot to Gurez and Machil, and 2 feet to the Koksar district, with the latter cut off from the rest of the state after accumulations blocked the Atal Tunnel on the Manali-Leh highway.
The heavy snowfall has resulted in many remote towns and villages being completely cut off from the outside world.
Not helping matters, the 270km-long Jammu-Srinagar highway –the only all-weather road linking Kashmir with the rest of the country– has been also closed due to feet of accumulating snow.
Europe’s Food Prices Soar
Rising energy prices and rolling blackouts are bad enough, but it’s food insecurity, i.e. rising costs and shortages, that will break the camels back, the straw that sees the masses willingly walk into this looming technocratic and totalitarian future.
Europe is having a torrid time of it; all self-inflicted, but still, the people didn’t vote for this demolition.
And this is a message I want those in the future, looking back on this time, to know: “Why did they believe such claptrap about the climate etc.? … Why did they willfully allow their energy and food security and ultimately their freedoms be stripped from them?”.
Well, the majority of us knew full-well it was nonsense, but the opposition, ‘the establishment’, had gained a monopoly on the ‘truth’ and it became increasingly difficult for the average Joe to navigate the mire of obfuscation and deception, to find which way was up.
The elites bought governments, the media and the education systems; they took the farmland and the water rights from us; they told us that unless we accepted stark reductions in living standards life on planet Earth would cease to exist. And, frustratingly, a noisy minority fell for it, pushed this narrative on others, and virtue-signaled us all into socialism, digital slavery and destruction.
That’s what happened. Forget the history books. We had no say in their writing. The majority of us weren’t stupid or gullible, we were simply overpowered, outplayed. Most of us knew they were lying, and they knew we knew they were lying, yet they still successfully pushed through their society-wrecking policies via their planted politicians, journalists and brainwashed activists, and they took us down.
Market prices of fresh produce have shot to record highs in Bulgaria, with tomatoes up by 19%, cucumbers by 6.1%, green peppers up by 10.1%, potatoes by 4.5%, and apples by 4%. While in Spain, record rises were posted last month, keeping the cost of living crippling high. Spain’s overall food prices climbed 15.4% from a year earlier, the biggest increase since the statistical series began, with the cost of fresh vegetables jumping by 25.7%, eggs up 25.5%, milk up 25% and grains up 22.1%.
Food prices are rising globally, of course, not just in Europe.
This is unsustainable, but this is also the point.
Rising food prices will be the story throughout 2023 as the fertilizer and herbicide/pesticide ‘shortages’ impact yields and as farmland intentionally sits barren in the name of ‘saving the planet from the ravages of CO2’.
Then the rationing will come, quickly followed by the realization that those empty shelves aren’t going to be restocked. Next comes blind panic, in tandem with social unrest, riots and then, finally, and only at the pit of despair, they will implement the new monetary system, i.e. CBDCs and Digital IDs. This roll-out will be sold as our savior, but in actual fact it will strip us of the few freedoms we have left. These tools will enslave us indefinitely, digitally, and the unprepared will have no choice but to comply. By that point, however, the masses will likely be thankful for them — they have long been trained to pick convenience over freedom.
Factual accounting of past, recognizing what is here in the present, then
correctly combining the past with the present. This is what will help us predict and prepare for the future.
Thank you Cap, I believe this is what you are helping us to do.
And this is a message I want those in the future, looking back on this time, to know: “Why did they believe such claptrap about the climate etc.? … Why did they willfully allow their energy and food security and ultimately their freedoms be stripped from them?”.
Doktor Seltsamer Wetterliebhaber
November 16, 2022 at 12:22 am
Engineered Institutionalized Global Stupidity [… just ranch management]
Publish-or-Perish | A Mental Health Crisis in Climate Science & Academia Infecting the World!!
Everyone lives with their own narrative, but sadly those narratives are much too often controlled by people other than you! Rewind back to high school and whether that rumour was true or not, good or bad, everyone is repeating it and talking about it. Rumours and the News Benders can drive narratives, and narratives control your future. So who is controlling your narrative? The News Benders.
“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong.” — They Live
Charles Fort: “The Earth is a farm. We are someone else’s property.”
The cattle do not have control of the narrative, or the script, they’re just along for the ride.
The aide [Karl Rove] said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ […] ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’.[2]
They Live, We Sleep – by John W. Whitehead – November 4, 2019
November 16, 2022 – Mike Adams
EXCESS MORTALITY: Over 2400 [Excess mortality hits 32% across general population, following covid “vaccine”] Americans are DYING each day following vaccine mandates… Ed Dowd unveils alarming, evidence-based data
… which is still just fewer 0.9 million excess deaths per year… so it’s really just less than one more person out of a group of 300 people which could just be from natural AWG climate change and CO2 emissions. With those odds maybe a person should be taking the government recommended injections “to be safe” after all.
Credible estimates of global deaths from covid-19 vaccines have been compiled by other analysts and experts, and they claim that at least 20 million people have already been killed worldwide from covid-19 vaccines, making the scale of this “vaccine holocaust” more than triple the size of the historical Holocaust atrocity… but only 0.25% excess deaths per year ww or just one more person out of a group of 400 people ww… doesn’t seem that dangerous until the billions of slow figurin’ Delta zombies they’ve created are figured in.
Nearly 800,000 Children Are Reported Missing Every Year
Approximately 800,000 kids are reported missing each year in the US/country, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
So between child sacrifice eugenics and selective vaccine injection eugenics only two fewer humans per year out of a group of 400 or one in 200 combined… McDonald’s need the meat… and the globalist’s need the adrenochromed blood and body parts for spares… so really, what’s not sustainable here? And kids are really great [both ways].
correction… fewer than 0.9 million excess deaths per year in US
Can you be sure that all the excess deaths are due to the vaccines?
I’m not sure exactly what happened in the US, but here in the UK during large parts of 2020 people were frightened into staying away from doctor’s surgeries and hospitals meaning tens of thousands of people weren’t diagnosed with cancer, heart disease etc. or had their treatment delayed. Presumably some of these people have now sadly died.
In the UK we’ve seen an average of 1,000 excess deaths per week since April, but I thinks it’s hard to say how many were caused by the vaccines and how many by restricted access to health care during lockdowns. I think that it’s largely futile to argue which is the most important factor. Instead they should all be classed as excess deaths due to the government’s (deliberate?) mis-handling of covid.
Bonhoeffer on Stupidity (entire quote)
Written by Averett Jones on December 31, 2019 at 11:04 am
(This week’s editorial is from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of my personal heroes. Bonhoeffer was hanged by Adolf Hitler in 1945.)
Taken from a circular letter, addressing many topics, written to three friends and co-workers in the conspiracy against Hitler, on the tenth anniversary of Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship of Germany…
‘Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed- in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.
‘If we want to know how to get the better of stupidity, we must seek to understand its nature. This much is certain, that it is in essence not an intellectual defect but a human one. There are human beings who are of remarkably agile intellect yet stupid, and others who are intellectually quite dull yet anything but stupid. We discover this to our surprise in particular situations. The impression one gains is not so much that stupidity is a congenital defect, but that, under certain circumstances, people are made stupid or that they allow this to happen to them. We note further that people who have isolated themselves from others or who live in solitude manifest this defect less frequently than individuals or groups of people inclined or condemned to sociability. And so it would seem that stupidity is perhaps less a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a particular form of the impact of historical circumstances on human beings, a psychological concomitant of certain external conditions. Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological law. The power of the one needs the stupidity of the other. The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, for instance, the intellect, suddenly atrophy or fail. Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence, and, more or less consciously, give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging circumstances. The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.
‘Yet at this very point it becomes quite clear that only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity. Here we must come to terms with the fact that in most cases a genuine internal liberation becomes possible only when external liberation has preceded it. Until then we must abandon all attempts to convince the stupid person. This state of affairs explains why in such circumstances our attempts to know what ‘the people’ really think are in vain and why, under these circumstances, this question is so irrelevant for the person who is thinking and acting responsibly. The word of the Bible that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom declares that the internal liberation of human beings to live the responsible life before God is the only genuine way to overcome stupidity.
‘But these thoughts about stupidity also offer consolation in that they utterly forbid us to consider the majority of people to be stupid in every circumstance. It really will depend on whether those in power expect more from people’s stupidity than from their inner independence and wisdom.’
Yesterday in Publix at Venice Florida
Dragon Fruit $3.99 Each 1 1/2 lbs, 4 inches by 6 inches
Star Fruit $2.99 lb average size 5 inches long
I started Dragon Fruit from a store bought fruits back in early Sept.
They are now 2 inch by 1/4 inch good looking succulent.
I have been unable to start Star fruit from seed. As I have a heavy bearing SF tree, I much root a branch to plant.
Thanks, DS
much = must root
“WARNING: Global Food Riots Have Started…” This one just three women over being up charged $1.75 for extra sauce!
Gee, they’re all of a certain racial and age group—I’m shocked.
Also “shocked” no one else stepped in to attempt to control the situation.
Fun trivia contest for the fellow readers—
Q. How many children do those three have by how many baby daddies? Reply below with your best guess …
Does any one think that the increase in snow pack is contributing to low levels in streams & rivers? It almost makes sense that if the snow stays frozen it won’t run off into rivers and streams. Something more we have to look forward to during the mini ice age.
Q. Does any one think that the increase in snow pack is contributing to low levels in streams & rivers?
A. … when it melts in the spring??… maybe if it stays cold enough through spring and summer and fall, year round, … well ya… it’s called ice age glaciation.
So why is everything so mystically mysterious for you most all of the time… brain freeze maybe?
Floods and Droughts and Ice Age – Rolf Witzsche
Flood disasters have become increasingly common in recent years, all over the world, often together with increasing drought conditions and unseasonal freezing. These are all natural fringe effects of the now rapidly weakening Sun that is reflected in increasing cosmic-ray flux and its ionization of the atmosphere, which dramatically enhances the cloud-forming process and their raining out. As the result the Earth gets colder, the tropics warmer, the landmasses drier, and conditions for epic flooding increase with increasingly larger coronal holes appearing on the Sun. This fast pace of solar weakening will likely go on for another 30 years, with another Little Ice Age happening along the way towards the Full Ice Age beginning in the 2050s. Till then, the droughts become larger and harsher and the floods bigger and more devastating.
Expect both floods and droughts like in previous mini ice ages.
Ice Age Ahead – Floods and Ice Age – Rolf Witzsche
Flood disasters have become increasingly common in recent years, all over the world, often together with increasing drought conditions and unseasonal freezing. These are all natural fringe effects of the now rapidly weakening Sun that is reflected in increasing cosmic-ray flux and its ionization of the atmosphere, which dramatically enhances the cloud-forming process and their raining out. As the result the Earth gets colder, the tropics warmer, the landmasses drier, and conditions for epic flooding increase with increasingly larger coronal holes appearing on the Sun.
This fast pace of solar weakening will likely go on for another 30 years, with another Little Ice Age happening along the way towards the Full Ice Age beginning in the 2050s. Till then, the droughts become larger and harsher and the floods bigger and more devastating.
Not to detract from the important contribution of Electroverse, the struggle for the truth is spiritual and therefore has already been won by the Redeemer.
Censorship Wasn’t Enough, They Want to Destroy Us
Public Call for Cyberterrorism Against US Citizens
An Open War on the Public
We’re now in a situation where asking valid questions about public health or climate measures are equated to acts of domestic terrorism. It’s unbelievable, yet here we are.
Destroying Dissenters Through Cyberwarfare and Non-secular Glurge Disseminators and Distractors – lets all try to keep our “Redeemer(s)” in our holy pants in this battle here gents.
… or Spiritual Non-secular Church Lady Boy Redeemer Stage (1) Logos/Woo tries to subvert, side rail and misdirect where stage (3)s understand that pure scientific secular Beauty is truth, beauty, beauty truth. – Keats
November 16, 2022
Another COPOut: Kerry Uses “Last Chance” Climate Summit to Push Nuclear Power
Beauty is truth, truth beauty. – Keats
Bless you Gord. We’ve all gone over to Christian Mingle now to proselytize, you must not have got the memo… pssst, Bless you Brother, The Church Lady Non-secular Crusader/Stage (Oner) Forever and Ever. Amen.
Baiting stage (1) redeemer believers is juvenile God. So grow up already and start acting your age.
p.s. good try though;)
Why do you have to be that way, believe or do not believe in god this is not a site about debating religions it is sight about “the Science” and providing data to the contrary of those whom perpetuate the myth that C02 is somehow this magically molecule that somehow creates mass heating and cooling and both dry and wet at the same time on an “existentual level” .
Thanks for all you updates.
snow on the ground and will stick around for a bit in november in Madistan area.
… believe or do not believe in science and physics… there are safe places for both but don’t try to pull that shit off in church… or here. Reason says, “lets all try to keep our “Redeemer(s)” in our holy pants in this battle here gents.” We know what stage you’re at and why you have to be that way Rocky. Bless your little heart.
Pay them no mind Rocky… Jesus’s Holy Prepuce just spoke directly to me and asked me to also sayeth unto you, “Bless your little heart, Little Rocky.” It’s only six weeks away and counting down now in anticipation of our Father’s son’s big anniversary celebration of sacrifice again… the holy death and resurrection of our Redeemer’s foreskin 2023 years ago. Shalom.
Your enemy can be your greatest teacher, Rocky.~ Buddha
to Dallas S.
fruit – my experience from subtropical Qld, Australia
re star fruit – recommend you create a sandy site for dumping all fallen starfruit fruit and leave for several months. Fruit will dry up/wither and a few seedlings should start appearing. Transplant them into pots. This is how I obtained new seedlings which have now grown into productive trees. (Numerous fruit crops each year/tree).
re dragon fruit – once growing it is hard to stop it spreading/climbing. Any fallen/pruned stem segments will take root and start growing if left lying on the ground. Bit disappointed with the fruit though – more like glorified fairy floss to eat – looks good but nothing much in it.
… sometimes I even lol at this level of LocoLogosDialectic dementedness and info-free-flow all in one place.There’s only one Electroverse, enjoy it while it lasts Gents. Either you’re a patreon or a stage (1) freeloader.
Adversity is a great teacher, but these globalist teachers will make us pay dearly for their instruction; and often the profit/education we derive, is not worth the price we paid.
Cap’n QuixDraw must also be a Philosopher too.
I am no longer commenting on this site. My last comment was November 11.